Join Mia as she visits with her friend Ellary Tucker-Williams, of the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation. The pair talk about sportsmen's caucuses, legislation, and education and share some of their favorite adventures and advice for hunting and fishing.
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Listen, learn, and be inspired by Lynette's perseverance and positive attitude as she overcomes unheard-of challenges and becomes a successful elk hunter.
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In this episode, Mia interviews Travis Thompson, founder of All Florida. Travis shares his passion for waterfowl hunting and tarpon fishing and the unique experiences these activities offer. Plus, learn about the great outdoor opportunities to be had in the state of Florida.
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Listen up as Mia and Coni Brooks discuss the successful business of Barnes Bullets. You'll also hear a bit about Utah's game commission, wildlife conservation, and Coni's A Girl and A Gun club chapter.
In this episode, Lea and I discuss wild and feral horses and how she adopted a Mustang. Learn the difference between wild and feral horses and how mustangs came to roam freely in the United States. We also talk about the mustang adoption process and some of the plusses and minuses of having one.
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While at the SCI convention in Nashville, Mia had a chance to chat with Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith—the pair visited about hunting, southern fare, and how we can help our legislators. Mrs. Hyde-Smith is a Senator of the great state of Mississippi and works hard for her constituents as a great supporter of the second amendment and hunting freedoms in the United States.
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In this episode, we follow the journey of Pastor Bror, a first-time elk hunter passionate about cooking and sharing his recipes. Get to know him and his reasons for taking up elk hunting. He talks about his challenges in learning the necessary skills and techniques and the emotional and spiritual impact the experience had on him.
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